Welcome to the revamped site. I found someone to rehaul the entire thing, and he did it faster than I was able to post a single new update. I'll try to get something done soon. Welcome to the new site! I am a web developer who likes to help. I found this site, and I helped reprogram it to make the code more efficient, and less tedious for the owner to deal with. I hope you all enjoy the new site! :) How the heck did you even find this place, reader? Wow, the new site design is amazing! I love the new features! Can't wait for the next update! The new website design looks great! It's nice to have the save functionality for sure. I'm looking forward for the next update! This website looks 376% better! Hello! :) This is an emoji test. Sadly, I will not be using all of the emojis in this message. :( (Or will I? :?) But I will use what I can! :P Although these two lines of text... They don't get any emojis. ;) ;) I'm really hoping that this test works out nicely. :/ [insert something hilarious here] xD Magic. ;P Am I right? =3 And I almost broke the site trying to incorporate that meow face into the code. I guess one misplaced comma will do that. ^^; Amazing. :O ==> fake some sort of emotion so she'll go away Same site, but now with polish! Nicely done, and looking forward to the what happens next! *Cool kid Thumbs up* Cry, cry. ;( Wait, what? It won't let me view any pages now! When I clicked on divinestuck, it just took me to this comment screen with no art showing! I hope this gets fixed soon. Yeah, sorry. This website is still under major development. Things are changing. Stuff is undergoing construction. I'm currently working to make it so that not ALL of the stories are MSPA-themed, and only Divinestuck is. Finally! an update! Time for either a friendly reunion, or more hilarious mishaps! Door Mechanisms ==> resist the urge to implode. Ece ==> Dance to nonexistent triumphant jingle yay! great chapter! ==> Inform Neejra About that last button, my developer is trying to find ways to motivate me to be more diligent about updates. I'm just having a hard time self-motivating. ^^; True that. But to be honest, personalized words of encouragement and approval mean more to me than anonymous numbers. I can accommodate for that. :P tgr4wagbeabhfaehfa cool story. cool story bro this is the most bad webcomic ever but thats just my opinion shit comic and shit drawings thats all i can say This is really cute! I love it. I don't know much about it but I love it! Keep updating and continue with this all please! I'm honestly on the like the 6th page and I love it already! ;D Ok but here is a suggestion, (srry for my bad engligh) Try to make it a bit more like the real homestuck and not switch so fast. I just think it would make the story easier to follow. <3 Oh, and also, here is a suggjestion (did I spell that right? probably not. I'm bad at English ;w;) It would be better if u could not switch charaters so fast. Its hard to see whats going on when u do. shNAP I POSTED A COMMENT 2 TIMES forgive me I am so ignorant x3 Half the time when I click on the main link, (the one that moves the story along), it crashes and goes back to story select This is crap I'll fix that. => dont feel like reading this is shitty .....sorry :/ i like the idea, but just get someone else to draw the images If you don't like reading, then why are you on a webcomic site? Haha all that effort and Ece just gets Hobbes'd for her troubles :P i thought this was a good web comic but it isn't sorry i like the idea though you should remake the webcomic ps the reason im here because i seen the ad on homestuck :/ So you like the webcomic, but you think it needs to be scrapped? That makes just about as much sense as your last statement. where are my hands mts WHERE ARE MY FUCKING HANDS TELL ME MTS I need my HANDSSSSSS MY HANDSSSSS MY HANDSSSSS mts tell me where are my hands i cant type with out my hands PLZ TEL Meh wereh my handms thwel,ll mee!!!!!!!!!!! Miroware tkl;re;; ,ee wjere are me hands Miroware tkl;re;; ,ee wjere are me hands wheree are my handssssss wheree are my handss tell me where my haNDss at Tell him where his hand are soo he can shut up Yeah now where are my hands Yeah now where are my hands your hands My stomach made the rumblies that only hands could satisfy Llama with dem caps :P CG: OK I GOT YOUR MESSAGE CG: THANKS FOR NOT HASSLING ME ABOUT IT IN ONE OF THE MEMOS TO GET MY ATTENTION, I APPRECIATE THAT. CG: UNLESS YOU DID, BUT IT WAS IN A FUTURE MEMO I HAVEN'T WRITTEN YET, IN WHICH CASE HAVE A BIGTIME FUCK YOU ABOUT THAT IN ADVANCE. GC: NO 1 D1DNT BUG YOU 4BOUT 1T 1N YOUR STUP1D M3MOS! GC: TH3Y 4R3 4NNOY1NG 4ND 1M T1R3D OF G3TT1NG B4NN3D FOR NO R34SON CG: POSTING IN THEM AT ALL IS THE REASON. YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO REPLY MEMOS PERIOD, THAT'S THE REASON. GC: M4YB3 1 W1LL ST4RT MY OWN BULL3T1N BO4RD GC: 4ND 3V3RYON3 W1LL B3 4LLOW3D TO R3PLY 4NY T1M3 TH3Y W4NT GC: 3XC3PT FOR GUYS W1TH NUBBY HORNS, OH NO, TH3Y W1LL NOT B3 4BL3 TO R3PLY 4T 4LL GC: GRUMPY K4RK4TS W1LL B3 3XPR3SSLY FORB1DD3N FROM R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN! GC: >:P CG: SOUNDS LAME. GC: BY TH3 W4Y TH4T W1LL B3 TH3 N4M3 OF TH3 BO4RD 1N C4S3 1T W4SNT CL34R CG: YEAH I GOT THAT. CG: THIS IS AN EMPTY THREAT, BECAUSE IF YOU MADE A BOARD AT ANY POINT ON THE TIMELINE I WOULD BE ABLE TO SEE IT RIGHT HERE AND READ THE WHOLE THING ALREADY. CG: WAIT... CG: OH GOD, YOU ACTUALLY DID. GC: Y3SSSSS! GC: FUTUR3 T3R3Z1 1S LOOK1NG PR3TTY COOL R1GHT 4BOUT NOW >8] CG: LOOK I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE FRUITY RUMPUS ASSHOLE FACTORY. CG: WHAT'S ALL THIS ABOUT GOING AFTER THE QUEEN'S RING. GC: W3LL GC: TH3 TH1NG TH4T 1S 4LL 4BOUT 1T 1S GC: W3 H4V3 TO GO 4FT3R TH3 QU33NS R1NG GC: 1T 1S 4 N3W M1SS1ON CG: BUT WE'RE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF TRYING TO PULL OFF REGISURP WITH JACK. CG: WHY DON'T WE TAKE IT ONE MISSION AT A TIME. GC: Y34H 4BOUT TH4T GC: TH3 WHOL3 PO1NT 1S TO D3STROY TH3 R1NG SO J4CK DO3SNT G3T 1T CG: WHY WOULD WE WANT TO DO THAT, JACK'S AN ALLY. GC: 4LSO GC: TH3 M1SS1ON SORT OF 1NVOLV3S 3X1L1NG J4CK TOO GC: >:| CG: THIS IS BULLSHIT. CG: WE'RE NOT EXILING JACK, HE'S COOL. GC: K4RK4T, H3 1S NOT TH4T COOL! CG: YES HE IS, HE'S A TOTAL BADASS WITH A FUCK TON OF BLADES AND SHIT, AND HE'S HELPING US OUT. GC: OK, 1 TH1NK 1TS PR3TTY CUT3 TH4T YO Why the heck are you asking where your hands are? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKTDNA9Tp-o&t=1m8s Lol :P Here are my hands https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt8V6f_DSAE K then. Hello! I love the comic and plan to follow it to it's conclusion! See you around :) -Johnleaf/Jordan This is interesting. What's in the cabinet? Its funny because no one donated to your patreon Then I will keep working until I become worthy of people's support. Merry Christmas! keep up the good work. I like this story! I think you should continue it. Liking the story so far. Though, judging by the length of the snowman break, there had better be a veritable army of snowmen being made (like, Calvin and Hobbes scale, to be shown soon, or at least play a later role in the tale, for comedic effect.) But yeah, fun and awesome. Heh, Surprise! The actual villain of the story was the Snowmen! That would actually be a sickeningly good Plot twist x3 At this rate, it seems the snowmen are going to become an obligatory reference. It wasn't the intention with the snowman break, but in-jokes rarely are. :3 So this is beginning now. Well, I will give them good luck... Oh, geez... And so it begins. Prediction: shit is totally gonna get "rekt," as most folks my age would probably say. I think that, with these two at the age they are, the shenanigans of Homestuck won't hold a candle to the crazy, nonsensical antics these two will get up to in the Incipisphere. Cover art! The most cringy Homestuck clone ever! But continue maybe you'll be popular. and people will support the patreon :) Well I may just be a Lowly Biskit.... And it ain't really like my opinion matters.... But I love this story so much :U It just has such an undeniable charm that I can't shake ;3 It's so cute, it's rather memorable, and it isn't just a rehash of Homestuck ;3 I really would love to see it continued one day Ha forgot about this for.a bit it still going? Biskit, KidFuse, it's kinda on an unannounced hiatus. Until I can get my act together long enough to produce another panel. ;( Work hours being long and motivation being low, I tend to waste time when I finally have time to myself. (Good thing my livelihood doesn't depend on this webcomic.) If anyone has some tips on staying motivated, go ahead and chime in. Here or on Discord. Heh, I feel ya. I be a full time student, and I know how hard it can be to manage everything at once, especially something of this magnitude. Motivation is a tricky thing to keep, I know that as a fact. What I find helps is just thinkin of all the people listenin (Or in your case, reading) what you put out there. Take as much time as you need though, you'll find motivation someday ;3 I really like how the story is going so far, I found this in the ads while reading Homestuck and the storyline is pretty cool. I hope to see the story end well! :3 HOWEVER, it'd be nice to see some references and plot twists, would be funny, and if it isn't, then I'll still be glad my suggestion was used. (Depending if you did, of course, which is less likely.) I kinda know the feeling but switch work with school I wanna get better at makeing art best thing I can think of saying is work at your own speed and do you You burnt out on the series? Its alright, i've tried to draw comics myself, and they take a LOT of determination and motivation. Heck, i could only draw a few pages and from there it was like "yay! now what other things are there?!", and it would just stop there. This is a fun little project you wanted to do, so have fun with it when its fun! Give a break when you're not having fun! Your also in school so its gonna be hard to continue when you spin the wheel of what you wanna do in your time off. Just be sure that you can enjoy yourself, because when you do, we can all enjoy it with you. :3 That scampering animation is beautiful. xD 10/10 IGN Update????? This is off to a good start when is the next one When is the next update!? Good start btw Yea, pretty Hanna-Barbera-ish, Miroware. That wasn't even the intention, but that's how it turned out. =D f trhis game Hello, I'm here to say that what you're doing there is an awesome work, I liked homestuck a fuck ton, and this is kind of like homestuck so I'm enjoying reading it almost as much as I did with it. Keep up the good work. Nice artstyle, pretty cute :P Is.... That an Update I smell? YES! *Starts up Hype train* All aboard the Divinestuck Hypetrain ;3 "It couldn't possibly be anything dangerous." -Neerja, 2017 Oh, boy, a new update! The plot thickens...they'd better have something weaponizable nearby pretty soon. 'Dragon pics' OwO Heh, I'll be honest..... Probably the most exciting thing bout this page (Besides.... ya know.... Dragon Pics ;3) Is the fact that there are Three names on the Pesterchum List! One.... kentroAncelin.... and mauiReel! Whoever those are :p Load disk! Will be there any act division? With it, we'll be able to say Divinestuck Act 1 is totally better than Homestuck Act 1. I wonder what will be later. P.S. Wonderful tiny animations. wow!! this is so good!! nice!! and... DRAGON PICS :o) hoooooooooonk do they have dicks for hands? what am I doing with my life? it's over already? I just got to the part where they install the game, dang it. I'M CRINGING SO HARD This is gonna be good Hello :P Hello enjoy your stay I realllllyyyyy hope this was made ironically It's practically ripping off Homestuck derp Ahh! I see the sneaky spore reference. :-) I approve. XD wow OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGM oh. my. god. there is a new page There are three users in shown in pesterchum and a scrollbar! I really want to see kelsi's fieldtrip DO.YOU.EVEN.LIKE.HOMESTUCK.%Pr so, hovv long are vov gonna keep this comic going? and ves, i made mv ovvn chat qvirk. deal vvith it. yES AN UPD8 its been tvventv-one davs since the last vpdate. hovvever, i jvst came here after checking preqvel for the one-hvndred-and-first time if kazerad had vpdated it vet, so im kind of nvmb to disappointment. (its been stuck on that page since october of tvventv-fifteen. i have given vp hope.) Exactly ;33 We haven't reached Prequal Levels of Bad yet! Either way, we should definitely form a Coalition of fans dedicated to.... this :p I dunno. It seems like a sensible thing to do. I mean, it worked for Prequal after all! Sorry for how idle things are, but life is just so busy, lately. From a graduating/moving out brother to moving out soon/need to find a job in a new state for me, I have a hard time sitting down to continue the story. I thank you guys for your patience, and always appreciate your time and commentary. I hope to continue the story and see your usernames in the future. no problemo dvde, vve vnderstand entirelv. it vvont kill anvone to vvait a little vvhile longer. vve look forvvard to vvhatever vov create in the fvtvre! Heh, you say that like you can get rid of us >;3. But in all seriousness, It's all good :U Take as much time as you need. Good luck with everything, I'm sure it ain't easy ;3 We'll be here after this assumed Haitus :p no idea hovv long its been since the last vpdate. still vvaiting paitentlv. keep going bro! I appreciate the patience. However, I'm kinda in the middle of the moving process. I gotta pack, drive across the country, unpack, settle in, and find a job. Unless I get a sudden convenient flood of Patreon support so I don't have to find yet another 9-5 retail job. :3 so, hovvs the move going? if vovve made it, then hovv goes the job search? MOAR! MOAR! You Never. Obstruct. The Dragon Lady. What is this???? an update? Sweet!!!!! looking forward to more. (: vev!!! an vpdate! and a big one at that! :D THAT WAS CLOSE CALL, but seriously, I think the whole place is full of family. Le gasp.... UPDAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE! (so happy...) hovv to make a bov leave: talk abovt girls things. ...i mav not leave, bvt most bovs vvill im svre. ;) I stopped right here: http://twtales.com/read/?s=1&p=86 I was cringing so hard that I wanted to **** myself. Please delete this. I repeat, please delete this. If you don't do those simple steps, I'll **** in your ******* and put my *-**** **** in your ****. Do you want a Donator tag and a custom username color on all of the comments that you post? no well mister author i dont care how ****** up your face is http://prntscr.com/gi37f0 i aint scared of you or that other ******* http://prntscr.com/gi382u **** you suck my *-**** ****** Woaaah, rude much Donnie? Seriously dude, take your hate somewhere else. Anyway, dear Author, I hope you'll keep going because the story is very nice! Take all the time you need, of course :D Thank you for your colorful commentary, Donnie. I took the liberty of trimming the fat, though. Page 86 is supposed to be an obvious reference to the time Nepeta tackled Equius. A quick smile and a "Haha, I get the reference" moment. If you are not enjoying the story, then I am sorry I was unable to please you. You may check back as often or as seldom as you see fit, just please be respectful of the community here; authors and audience, alike. kekpit Why does ForestElf think I'm being serious? I'm obviously trolling. "Obviously" x3 "Obviously" x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is stupid... DAMN!!!! these doritos are sooo goods ehhheehhehehehh YAS!! my druz ad is complete. hopefully you guys like it!!! What a stunning website, Donnie. hi heres a little intro i made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq-7ZUJwEpo heres some music i made for my comic https://donniestillater.bandcamp.com/album/druz-1-5 why are you deleting my comments? i found some old art that i think you drew http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-kLsb_z9k1YA/U3PksNHcrHI/AAAAAAAAAwk/0-RexBtDgqo/s1600/big+percpective+low.jpg very hot and sexy found some more dope hot arts http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MQUDdImRJTE/U3PlNhAOJYI/AAAAAAAAAxk/b85iVb241lE/s1600/shojo.jpg very dope vape it up I reserve the right to delete comments I find too irrelevant or distasteful. kekpit aite i donate wwheremy donator tag? did i get scamed???/ ill sue u for 5 dollats Sign me up, here we go Autism 2.0 Clock Clock crew, and its ************* real yo Yiffin hard, yiffin fast. smoke that weed, make it last *************** ragin, i keep it blazin Dakimakura on my ****, **** is sick. if you talk trash about my waifu you get hit 'Cause we got them dank memes bro, keepin it real yo Comin at you hard like a bad dragon ***** I find this to be very ironic. yep. well me the donnies got kicked out of the discord group but we need to help NP WHOS WITE ME!!? o noes! another delav! vvell, here's hoping that vov can get back to it soon! :D If she can magick up a big scaffold or a long stick, then surely she could magick up TWO long sticks, one with a flat end, hold the flat one steady on one side of the disc and use the other to tilt the disc >45deg (we know the vent is tall enough) so it slides toward the flat one, then remove the flat one so it slides out the grate... Wow, she is very responsible taking care of the places in volcanoe. 8^| uuuh snowmen? All you really need to do is trace this, and reading it, it's pretty interesting! A vote for story 3? D: Maybe I should just put Divinestuck on official hiatus (instead of the unofficial one it's been on forever ^^; ), and try just working on another story for a change of scenery. :D vvell hovv abovt that? theres vpdates! really enjoying this so far, pls keep it going. :3 You lied to me you betrayed me you use me you fucked up my face ...powers before entering...and ice...why do I have a feeling this has to do with the fanspects flame & ice? Plus...interesting story...true...but it also has the light scent of idiocy...lets see if this odd odor persists...or if it will bloom into catastrophe. And !f were us!ng qu!rks when we type here...then ! Shall gΩ unΩff!c!Al and use someth!ng ! Haven't used !n awh!le. Do you want to do a quick one :) Oof... space is final frotier Yes Yee bvffvb ewsw This was a blast to read! is this story ever gonna continue? I was really liking it. it b like that sometimes h it b like that sometimes h woah Can you please remove my old cringy comments I was 13 when I wrote them, and it's super embarrassing. Does anyone know what happened to the creator of this fancomic? I have looked all over the internet for any social media or signs that they're even alive but come up empty handed. Did you check out the Discord link on the right? I know, it's been dead for maybe a year now. Life is lifing at me, but I plan on getting myself reorganized and up and running soon. how's it popping